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[1] Fu R.Y., Huang X.N., Chen Y.Y., Chen Z.H., Zhan A.B. (2021). Interactive Regulations of Dynamic Methylation and Transcriptional Responses to Recurring Environmental Stresses During Biological Invasions. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8:800745.

[2] Fu R.Y., Huang, X.N., Zhan, A.B. (2021). Identification of DNA (de) methylation-related genes and their transcriptional response to environmental challenges in an invasive model ascidian. Gene, 768, 145331.

[3] Chen Y.Y., Ni P., Fu R.Y., et al. (Epi)genomic adaptation driven by fine geographical scale environmental heterogeneity after recent biological invasions. Ecological applications, 2022. (Revision submitted to journal)

[4] Xiong, W., Huang, X.N., Chen, Y.Y., Fu, R.Y., Du, X., Chen, X.Y., Zhan, A.B. (2020). Zooplankton biodiversity monitoring in polluted freshwater ecosystems: a technical review. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 1, 100008.

[5] Chen Z.H., Huang X.N., Fu R.Y., Zhan A.B. (2022). Neighbours matter: Effects of genomic organization on gene expression plasticity in response to environmental stresses during biological invasions. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D-Genomics and Proteomics, 42:100992.

[6] Li, X., Li, S.G., Cheng, J.W., Fu, R.Y., Zhan, A.B. (2021). Proteomic response to environmental stresses in the stolon of a highly invasive fouling ascidian. Frontiers in Marine Science, 1554.

[7] Cheng J.W., Li S.G., Li X, Fu R.Y., et al. Molecular functional analyses of larval adhesion in a highly fouling invasive model ascidian. Journal of Experimental Biology, 2022. (Under review)

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[16] 郭伟,孙文惠,赵仁鑫,赵文静,付瑞英,张君.呼和浩特市不同功能区土壤重金属污染特征及评价[J].环境科学,2013,34(04):1561-1567.

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[18] Guo, W., Zhao, R.X., Fu, R.Y., Bi, N., et al. (2014). Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to the development of maize (Zea mays L.) grown in three types of coal mine spoils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21(5), 3592-3603.

[19] Guo, W., Zhao, R.X., Zhao, W.J., Fu, R.Y., et al. (2013). Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on maize (Zea mays L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) grown in rare earth elements of mine tailings. Applied soil ecology, 72, 85-92.


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